Hi, I'm Shy!

I tweet about:PRIEST NOVELS,
their adaptations
(e.g. Word of Honor, Guardian, etc.)
and relevant actors
(especially Zhang Zhehan, Gong Jun, Zhu Yilong, Chen Zheyuan, etc.)
plus other ANIMANGAS,
and a lot of other miscellaneous things.
DO NOT FOLLOW if you're an anti or you don't like Priest or her novels. Also DNF if you support fascist governments.I ship "problematic" ships and stan "problematic" characters, do not follow if you're bothered by this.

My twitter can be an 18+ zone at times but I don't mind if minors follow.
I'm very open to conversing on the timeline (read: pls talk to me lmao not on DMs tho ;;;;;) but I'm a bit selective with following people because twitter only has 200 allowable mute words(I've used them all up) and I'd want to control what I see on the timeline.
Please take no offense if we talked quite a bit but I didn't follow back T w T

Priest novels I've finished
(in order)

can ci pin, mo du, zhen hun,
lie huo jiao chou (1.0), huai dao, zhong ji lan yin,
shan he biao li, you yi, zui hou de shou wei, liu yao,
guo men, wu wuran wu gonghai,
yi shu ren sheng, da ying xiong shi dai, tian ya ke,
lie huo jiao chou (2.0), zi ben jian ke,
sha po lang, ni lu lai gui, da ge, tuo gui,
tai sui


- Main CPs: I ship the main CPs of all Priest novels I have finished
- Side CPs: QiuChun, RuChun, Lin Chi ->Hui Xiangjun
- Non-canon ships: YiYuan, PingYing
- JujuKai: GoGe 五夏, GoFushi 五伏, SukuFushi 宿伏, KamoFushi加茂伏
- YuuMori: Albert/William, Sherliam, Mycroft/Albert
- Dr. Stone: SenGen, TsukaSen
- KuroBasu: MidoAka, AoKise, AoKuro
- Haikyuu: TsukkiKage, UshiShira, KawaSemi